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Founder and Executive Artistic Director

Julia Morales is a Black and Puerto Rican actor, writer, teacher, director, and all around good person to know from Houston, TX with a drive to create artistic opportunities for people like herself in the improv comedy community in Chicago, IL where she currently resides.
She graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) in hopes to fulfill her passion to become a working actor. After realizing that she was regularly being typecast, she became intrigued with the art form of improvisation because it allowed her more options to perform various characters.
She won the 2008 NBC Diversity Scholarship and moved to New York to study improv comedy further. Like Michelle and Barack, Julia and improv became the perfect match.
She turned her involvement with performing and teaching improv and sketch comedy into a career. She has performed at comedy festivals all over the nation including on the Norwegian Cruise Lines while traveling around the world. In 2018, she was a recipient of the Second City Bob Curry Fellowship and was later cast as a member of the Second City Touring Company.
She has written and performed three successful solo shows as well as created a community program called, 10,000 Hours, to help other improvisers get more practice without breaking their budget.
Her passion for improv and sketch comedy has guided her to working on owning her non-profit organization, Stepping Stone Theater, that will celebrate the creative voices of the Black and Brown communities.
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